„The people most likely to seek an MLS are those who are currently in middle or senior management positions,“ Urman says, „and who want to take the next logical step toward more authority and accountability in their industry or organization, whatever that decision may be.“ The Master of Legal Studies is a fully online, asynchronous program for professionals who would benefit from a nuanced understanding of the U.S. legal system, but who do not intend to practice law. Legal issues are closely related to business operations, as organizations must comply with laws and regulations in order to operate legally. Graduates of the MLS curriculum have the expertise to help their current employers comply with legal operating regulations. The median annual salary in 2018 for medical and health managers was $99,730, and employment growth is expected to be 18% from 2018 to 2028. There are a variety of LLM jobs that require a certain level of education and involve various aspects of law. Before choosing a path, it`s important to determine what type of legal work best suits your passions and skills. Once you`ve made a decision, it`s about getting there. Managers and human resources directors work to the extent of their ability to plan and coordinate the administrative functions of a business or organization. Your responsibilities can be considerable, but some of the most important are: Before we dive into the details of what you can do with a Master of Juridical Studies degree, it`s important to understand what exactly it is and how the program differs from other law-related degrees.

Maybe you interact with lawyers regularly as part of your job and want to work with them more effectively. You may want to move forward in your current business knowing that a better understanding of how the law affects your industry is key to achieving this. Or maybe you`ve always had an interest in law, and you see winning an MLS as a way to cultivate that interest without committing to earning a Juris Doctor (JD). For example, someone working in the entertainment industry could earn an MSL degree to better understand the legal aspects of their job responsibilities. This may be the case when someone oversees contracts or manages a media company`s intellectual property portfolio. Medical and health services managers – also known as health administrators or health care executives – plan, direct and coordinate health and physician services. You can work in doctors` offices, hospitals and outpatient facilities. An MLS degree, especially those with healthcare compliance or health law as a concentration, can be useful in this profession, as physicians and health service managers often need to understand and adapt to regulatory compliance and healthcare laws. In terms of the benefits you`ll get over the time and cost it takes to earn, is the Master of Legal Studies worth it? In fact, there are many benefits to earning an MLS, especially if your profession relies on legal processes, such as positions in human resources, social work, or law enforcement. Because of how the law overlaps with each industry in one way or another, it`s very likely that there`s an aspect of your current role that could be enhanced with an MLS degree. Here are some common titles for in-demand jobs: The law is many things, but it`s just not one of them.

The majority of the population has an obligation to lawyers to effectively unravel, decipher, analyze and decipher the law. Unless you`re a practicing lawyer, most jobs don`t require in-depth knowledge of the law outside of specific topics relevant to your career, whether it`s plagiarism or workers` safety rights. But in many professions, where routine work often overlaps with state and federal regulations, a lack of solid legal knowledge can hurt your job performance and career advancement. In many fields, the need for legal skills in non-legal jobs is increasing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the demand for professionals with MLS and similar law degrees for non-lawyers will increase by 15% by 2026. As law firms look to increase efficiency, they hire more non-legal entities. Large companies are also expanding their in-house legal teams with non-lawyers instead of hiring additional lawyers. In these cases, the advanced knowledge and skills of a non-JD degree (e.g. an MLS) will benefit both the career professional and the company. A minimum degree is generally required for these teaching positions in criminal justice and law enforcement.

In-depth knowledge and experience of the legal landscape can help you in this job – and earning an MLS is a way to deepen your knowledge and improve your qualifications. You can even enroll in a program with a concentration in criminal justice. Whether you are just starting a career as a paralegal or are already well established in your field, anyone involved in the law could benefit from a better understanding of its subtleties and implications. Earning a Master of Laws degree provides the additional expertise you need to stand out from your peers and set you up for a life of respect and success. Those who choose to pursue an MLS degree often do so to gain the skills and expertise they need to advance their careers. When they progress after graduation, they often see higher salaries. In general, regardless of industry or profession, a person with a master`s degree earns an average salary of $68,000, compared to $50,000 for bachelor`s degree holders. According to 2020 median wage data compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, here are some of the highest-paying occupations that earn a master`s degree in law: As the demand for legal services continues to increase in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, so does the demand for qualified lawyers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in legal occupations is expected to increase by 5% from 2019 to 2029, resulting in the creation of 67,600 new jobs.1 In addition, the employment of paralegals and paralegals is expected to increase by 10% from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations.2 To become Executive Director, may have a mix of education, work experience, industry expertise, and even legal and governmental knowledge. Depending on the industry you work in, a particular aspect of the legal system, such as law codes or decrees, may be more relevant to you than others – and the course content in an MLS program could allow you to develop an understanding of it. Most business leaders have a college degree or higher, according to O*NET OnLine, a U.S.-sponsored online career database.