The laws all depend on the region where you live and the values of the state. Before you think about owning a raccoon, it`s important to thoroughly research the states that allow it. Raccoons are illegal in most states, not only because of the unethical nature of owning an exotic animal, but also for the welfare of the public. If the baby is older and is likely to migrate, place him on the floor with a towel and place a weighted basket on it. While this strategy doesn`t work for most wildlife, raccoons are good at handling objects, and the mother raccoon should be able to flip the basket so she can remove her baby. Raccoons are nocturnal, so reunions with the mother are more likely to happen overnight. In addition, you cannot have your wildlife treated by a veterinarian if these permits are not in place. Especially for a raccoon known to be afflicted by the disease, it is important that the owner is able to take care of it in the best possible way. Homeowners trying to remove raccoons in the spring and summer should be aware that there may still be kits or young raccoons on the property. They should not exclude raccoons until they are sure that all raccoons have been removed or that they have all left the area on their own. Raccoons often use chimneys without lids as burrows to raise their young until they wean them. This requires patience on the part of the owners, as they will hear weeks of scratching, walking, and other sounds from the raccoon family above, but the mother will eventually move the kits out of the area when they are weaned.
While homeowners may use exclusion techniques to keep raccoons away from their property, they are persistent and will always stick to it. Homeowners who grow crops sometimes try to scare off raccoons by using lights, dogs, the sound of radios, cloth or plastic banners, plastic windmills or banging pots or lids. Owners also tried activating motion detectors or sprinklers to scare the animals. Section 251.1 of California`s Code of Regulations makes it illegal to herd or harass wildlife. The state describes harassment as an act that interferes with an animal`s usual behavior. It usually releases small birds because a bird feeder does not interfere with natural behavior. The law also does not apply to landlords or tenants who actively hunt wildlife to prevent damage to their property. Before you even consider getting a raccoon, you need to make sure it`s legal in your state.
In many states, it is illegal to keep raccoons as pets. In states where the possession of a raccoon is allowed, a wildlife permit is generally required. Raising a raccoon as a pet will take a lot of time, energy and patience. Raccoons can easily live to the age of 15 and they should not be released into the wild after being kept as pets. If you breed a raccoon as a pet with an incredible amount of attention, love, and care, you still won`t be able to override its wild instincts. Raccoons retain their wild side even after being bred and bred in captivity for several generations. Keeping a raccoon as a pet requires plenty of space for the creature, but don`t let it roam around your home. Raccoons are natural gatherers with a reputation for theft, and they can fit into almost any corner, crack, or handle they find. Raccoons tend to bite or act when they are stressed or excited. You could bite your family, friends and visitors. The appearance of the raccoon leads people to ignore the characteristics of the animal.
They will always be a wild animal, and many are very opposed to raccoon adoption. In addition to these laws, also pay attention to the regulations for raccoon owners. These regulations often answer questions such as, „What happens if my raccoon scratches or bites someone?“ Since raccoons are wild animals, they can be euthanized if your raccoon is problematic. While domesticated raccoons are illegal in most states (especially the wild raccoons you`re trying to domesticate), that doesn`t mean you can`t and shouldn`t own raccoons. That, too, varies. Some raccoons are friendly, while others seize every chance of escaping. In addition, you need to realize that raccoons are one of the biggest spreaders of diseases, most often rabies. Be sure to provide your raccoon with a suitable living space. This animal needs an indoor and outdoor enclosure to give it more space to run. If you source from a rancher in another state, you may need an import permit in addition to the other permits required by your state.
The raccoon also needs a health certificate to be imported into another state. Find a reputable raccoon breeder. Do not adopt a wild raccoon. Most breeders require you to leave a deposit on a kit and send you the raccoon while the animal is young and still bottle-fed. This allows you to bond with your little pet and build a relationship. In states where raccoon ownership is legal, those looking for a raccoon should follow additional regulations to own a raccoon. For example, in North Carolina, a veterinarian must approve the animal before it is taken to the state. In Arkansas, a person cannot own more than five at a time. Keep in mind that it is important to check state and local laws before buying an exotic animal. California has some of the strictest pet ownership laws in the country.
It does not allow humans to keep wild animals due to their special nutritional and housing needs. They also pose a risk to the public as they can transmit dangerous diseases to pets and humans. In California, it is a crime to own a raccoon. Penalties include: Disruptive ponds: Raccoons love to eat fish and may try to raid small backyard ponds that contain fish. Make sure there are enough hiding places for fish to remove from raccoons (and other predators). A terracotta tube can be an excellent hiding place. Shallow ponds are easier to attack; Fish in ponds more than two and a half feet deep usually have a better chance of avoiding predators. This has been done by many, but people who raise their raccoons know how to do it in the most responsible way. They understand their nutritional needs, dangers, disease potential and malevolence. It is highly recommended to have a large outdoor enclosure so that your raccoon can play unattended. Make sure this unit has a roof over your head.
Baby raccoons are more common when the mother raccoon is moving her young to a new cave. At this age, baby raccoons are about five to eight weeks old; They can walk short distances, but not yet climb well. Give the mother raccoon plenty of space to pick up her young while she moves her brood! It`s easy for a raccoon to regain their natural instincts when they feel threatened and scratch someone, for example. To prevent raccoons from disturbing the lawn, spray a 1:1 mixture of children`s shampoo and ammonia on the surface and pin the lawn with landscape needles. Despite all the risks and safety protocols, however, 14 states still allow raccoons to be kept as pets, provided that: Not all states tolerate the education of exotic animals. Make sure that before you take this opportunity to buy an exotic animal, you do your research thoroughly. It is important to respect the law for your good and that of the raccoon. Raccoons catch both canine and feline diseases. They are prone to distemper of both types, which can be fatal. Raccoon rabies is widespread on the East Coast, but California has yet to report rabies in its raccoon population.
These traps do not allow for the selective release of non-target catches, so people attempting to catch a raccoon in an area where non-target catches are more likely to use a box trap should use a box trap instead. These should be grabbed by the body or on twisted bars to prevent dogs from doing so. The raccoon lives in most parts of the United States, except in some mountainous regions at higher elevations in the southwest. They are widespread in forest areas of the East Coast and prefer hardwood forest habitats with a water source.